Money & Percentages Workshop Part 2

Curriculum support30 minsFREE

Key takeaways
Recapping percentages learnt in part 1 
Understanding what Compound Interest is
Differentiating between simple and compound interest 
SkymathHost: Skymath has been delivering an excellent standard of online maths tutoring since 2012. Their vision of “Leading students to their full potential through excellence in maths” is an integral part of their teaching philosophy.

In this class Daria your SkyMath tutor will continue talking about percentage and the different types of Interest.  You will consider what is compound interest and compare it with simple interest. Students will have a great opportunity to see the difference between these interest types in practice.

If you missed Part 1 you can catch up with it here.

Safeguarding reminder:The safety of your child is of the utmost importance. All of our classes are pre-recorded to remove any concerns around live participation. For reruns of our past live classes, students' webcams and microphones were disabled and only the chat history, if participation was requested, is visible.

Suitable for:

This class is suitable for all students in Years 7-11 or S1-S5, as this is a most necessary and essential topic that is needed throughout a Maths student's schooling career. 

Class requirements:
You will need a laptop or device with internet connection to watch the class, as well as a pen and notepad for taking notes.
What to expect:
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